Week 3 - Project Proposal

Domisca Course

Getting though the domicscal corus


Zoo Ideation

Unity Learning

Started another unity project to learn some more of the basics of how to make a unity project


While seting up my project proposal, i found that the school scanner wasnt that great with drawings and textures

Here is a demo between my school scanner and a personal one i just brought

While text is fine, the problem comes when drawings where put in to the scanner, my guess why this comes out like this, as the scanner was ment for a industry standard they might have added a post processing to make text clearer and make the files smaller, which isnt something that i want as i want to get every detail that i can get while scanning. Also colour was changed between school scan and home scan, which isnt something i want to have changed between trying to translate it to digital

Project Proposal

Main thing this week was finsihing up the proposal for hand in,

Project Proposal Upload