Week 1 - Pre Planning and Ideation

Starting off, Reflection

Starting off the week, i had a look in to 1. things that i have done before 2. things i want to make

Like for my older projects i haved used programs like Unity, GameMaker and Rive for intercation and animation, Adobe sute for making stuff and Figma for everything (else).

Looking at my past, my project that i liked playing around in, was my Rive tests as it was a nice way to play with animations in a more visual style (its like gsap or a javascript animation language that has a visual ui to play around with)

But at the same time i want to try still making a "game", it would be more of an artistic game, where the game is more abstract than story but it can be fun to ideate on what i can make

So i will start with unity project and experement from there

Problem with last projects


I am not the best person when it come to motivation, burning out is something i can do to my self very quicky

Stress, with over building ideas can and have become a habit for me, so here are some things i keep in mind while working (and writing down rn to remind my self later)

Keeping a notebook with ideas,todo later.Reminding my self about whats the MVP how can i make a very simple "first big win". What places keep me in Focus and in the flow state . Are there things i can bounce around with (ie this website, to journal to working to researching). Am i eating and sleeping well ect.

Also ive made a personal goal to keep my hours tracked though toggl to see how much hours i do daily, whether or not that work is "productive", if its time doing the work its to be recorded and counted to the final time

So the Motto for the rest of this year

person saying write it badly dude , but write it

Make it badly, dude. BUT make it

Planning and Stucture

For most of my planning and notes will be taken in a hobonichi (A5 Cousin Avec), as i prefer a analog note taking system and its daily layout. I will be able to make daily notes and tasks for me to do to keep on track.

I will be also be using toggl. Ive been taking the recommendations from Cortex, where they do alot of timetracking, which helps them with keeping on task and helping with knowing how much did they work on one thing. I will be using it as a form of motivation and recording, as ive been known to wonder off and not been able to get my work done. Setting daily hourly goals will hopfully get me to work on my project more. I will also be reporting them at the bottom on the weekly logs I make cause, if you collect data and do nothing with it, its kinda point less (aka shameing my self). (The first goal is about 4 hours a day, and the second goal is 6 hours a day)

Sorting out Design Methodology Page to help out with a sort of guide when i hit a road block with in work as i seem to just stop when things get hard.

Class Questions

What do you ....

Like Dont like
  • Animation
  • Intercation Design
  • Illustration
  • Branding Work
  • logos
  • fonts

What can I do 2 weeks

Design, ideate, A Rough Sketch

What can I do 8 weeks

A bad Prototype, visual design, illustration, storyboard/ userjourney

What can I do 16 weeks

An ok prototype, visual branding to go along with the design, promotional work?(who knows)

Collaterals? Artafacts?

A digital product/ or physical item that alines to my subject of ui/ux (a project with a lot of research behind it)

Brakedown your milestones

Identity your skills



Among us VR

Short Hike

Night in the Woods




Mentoring Notes

Brought up the subject of who am I out side of class, What do i do in my free time and What problems do i have with in those hobbies

Talking about stationary. Cute, Kawaii things. The research behind Cute items and why people are attracted to them


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday total
n/a 58 mins 2:30 hours 3:43 Hours 45 mins 7:58 hours